Hawliodd Menywod Tref Aberystwyth gyda gem gyfartal o 1-1 i ffwrdd i Ddinas Abertawe, a phwynt oedd yn ddigon i’w codi nol I’r Pedwar Uchaf, gydag un gem ar ol cyn yr hollt hanner tymor. Ac mi amddiffynnon nhw fel teigrod nes i Jessica Williams unioni’r sgor i’r Elyrch wyth munud o’r dwedd, cic rhydd gwyrthiol arall gan Niamh Duggan rhoddodd Aber ar y blaen.

Aberystwyth Town Football Club - Official Website - Aberystwyth Town  Football Club

With one game left before the mid-season break, Aber Town Women secured another historic victory this afternoon, fighting to a 1-1 draw away to Swansea City, which catapulted them back into the Top Four. Niamh Duggan scored another incredible free kick to give the Seasiders an unexpected lead. They defended like Trojans until eight minutes remaining, when Jessica Williams handed the Swans an equalizer.

Aberystwyth Town Football Club - Official Website - Aberystwyth Town  Football Club

If Aber’s performance on Thursday represented their greatest offensive form, this game highlighted their defensive qualities as the home team controlled the ball but were continuously thwarted by forceful blocks, challenges, saves, and clearances. In goal, Margot Farnes was very effective, while youthful Libby Isaac was a rock at center defense. Then, in minute 28, the visitors won a free kick 30 yards away, and set piece expert Duggan stepped up to curl in a magnificent effort into the upper right corner, shocking the home team. Aber persisted into the interval, at which point the shocking outcome was announced.

In the second half, the Black and Green back line continued to defy wave after wave of pressure. Swansea’s patient build-up play was thwarted by midfielders Lily Moralee-Hughes and Duggan, while at center back Rebecca Mathias and Isaac were unstoppable. Jessica Williams scored eight minutes from time, just when it appeared as though Town could hold out. Aber then managed to survive twelve more minutes, including an injury-time free kick that Farnes comfortably stopped, to gain a draw that, considering the overall performance, felt like a win.

This significant outcome sets up a winner-take-all matchup between Park Avenue and The New Saints for this Sunday night at 5.10 p.m., but with today’s point, the outstanding Black and Greens might also qualify for the Top Four at the fourteen-game split with a draw. Not to be overlooked!

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