After the New York Knicks’ season-ending loss to the Indiana Pacers in the 2024 playoffs, their rivalry has been reignited.

Miller gave an explanation for why “he can’t stand the Knicks” in the most recent episode of the story while appearing on “The Mark Jackson Show.”

Miller stated on the June 10 episode, “This is why I can’t stand the Knicks because, in order to be the front-runners, they think they are God’s gift to basketball.” Okay, you are free to believe whatever you like. However, avoid taking the lead when you guys are talking because the entire series was fantastic.

The Hall of Fame guard is alluding to the conclusion of Game Two in the second-round series. Knicks fans teased Miller, who unexpectedly showed up to broadcast the game, despite not being previously scheduled.

Miller wasn’t bothered by the chanting until the players from New York started participating.


Reggie Miller

Miller Calls Out Josh Hart

According to his account, everything was fine until Josh Hart added “fuel” to the already heated situation with the fans.

“The real spark happened when Josh came over to me,” Miller explained. “I don’t think he meant any harm; I believe he was trying to be humorous, but it was on a live mic. When he approached, I had no idea what he would say. But for him to escalate the situation by saying ‘F you,’ people mistakenly thought he directed it at me, which wasn’t true.”

New York lost four of the next five games, including a Game Seven clash at Madison Square Garden. After Indiana secured their spot in the Eastern Conference Finals, Miller taunted Jalen Brunson.


Miller wrote “When the series CHANGED.” “Jalen Brunson, you are an absolute baller and have been the best player in these playoffs. However, you and your boys can all recover together on some stunning Cancun beaches. Have fun! WarriorsLives #PacersKnicks #GodDontLikeUgly

Following the victory in Game Seven, Tyrese Haliburton of the Pacers joined Miller in the troll job.

He put on a hoodie that featured the iconic choke gesture used by the Hall of Fame guard during Game 5 of the Eastern Conference Finals in 1994.

When asked, Haliburton said to reporters, “I’m just wearing a hoodie.” “I enjoy having a comfortable ride on a plane.”

Hart Claps Back After Celtics Sweep Pacers

A seven-game series against the Boston Celtics was Indiana’s reward for defeating the Knicks.

It barely lasted four games, as the Pacers were swept in the series.

After Haliburton and the Pacers lost, Hart had a message for him. In a podcast episode of “The Roommates Show,” he divulged the specifics of their conversation.

“I believe I said something along the lines of ‘(Expletive) you guys couldn’t win one?” On the May 31 program, Hart stated. “We lost to you in Game 7.” After three leads in the fourth, you guys couldn’t manage even one victory? JB wouldn’t be playing, of course, if we moved on. I’m not sure how I would have been, but I would have attempted to play. We could have accomplished that. Get one at the very least.

Due to a hamstring problem, Haliburton was unable to play in the last two games of the Boston series. Similar to the Knicks in their series against Indiana, he was eventually forced to concede to an injury.

Any game between the two teams next season will be exciting to watch because of the reignited rivalry. If Miller is on the call, even more so.



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