Souleyman Mandey, a midfielder signed from Rangers earlier this season, had his first under 21s start on Monday night.
West Bromwich Albion’s latest acquisition and newest face in their academy, Souleyman Mandey, is ‘fearless’ and boasts a ‘natural zeal,’ according to the club’s Premier League 2 manager Richard Beale. Mandey earned his PL2 debut in last week’s 3-0 loss at Crystal Palace, following a few of appearances and a goal for Leigh Downing’s under 18s.


Mandey started for the under 21s against Reading on Monday at Keys Park and played 90 minutes. Despite the fact that the final score did not appear to be particularly inspiring, tall central midfielder Mandey stood out in the center of the pitch, particularly in the first half.
Mandey joined the team earlier this season after a season with Rangers; the teenager is an Austrian youth international and was formerly a member of the Pulse academy. His inclusion in this division of the Albion academy heightens the competition for Kevin Mfuamba, Harry Whitwell, and Matt Richards.

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“He has no fear. “He’s come in and played with natural enthusiasm, which is something I look for in any young player,” Beale said. “All the best ones I’ve been fortunate to work with have exuded natural enthusiasm and that is something that Souleyman has in abundance.”You need a little bit more than that to make it, and we’re working hard with him to improve the areas where he needs to improve, but inherent enthusiasm will always give you a chance of having a career and impressing people, as well as people wanting you on their team.

“Getting people out on loan is a big part of what we do here with the under-21s.” Frequently, players will knock on the door and ask, ‘Can I go out on loan?’ You can only go out on loan if people want you to. So demonstrate your enthusiasm, excellence, and vitality, and that is how it works.

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